Quality policy and responsibility

Quality policy and responsibility

Our quality management covers all of our support processes, project activities and life cycle services related to deliveries and our locations. The system meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management systems standard.

Our quality policy

  • We want to be a pioneer producer of energy efficiency systems and equipment and services related to their life cycle.

  • We design and deliver systems as a turnkey service. We bear our responsibility for deliveries. We commit to using the best available technology and solutions from responsible partners.

  • We want to guarantee a good customer experience and satisfaction with our products and services. We are interested in the needs and wishes of our operating environment towards us and our services, and we take them into account.

  • In our operations, we fulfill the requirements of the ISO 9001 quality management system standard and the requirements of legislation.
  • We grow and develop as professionals. We have strict technical expertise and the ability to work in practical work. We want to constantly improve our own operations and we expect this from our partners as well.

  • In our operations, we only use reliable equipment suppliers who are leading experts in the energy industry.

  • Environmental responsibility guides our operations and we strive to reduce our customers’ environmental load.